He's alive!!
Yes, friends and neighbors, it lives. I've marched through the valley of the shadow of... busy, and I've come out the other end.
Thanks to everyone who's been wondering where I am, but I'm all right. For those of you who don't know, I recently left my "day job" to work full time as a contract web developer and co-owner of ThreadBear. Yup—I'm self-employed. It's fulfilling, and it really is fun, but if anyone ever tells you it's easy, go ahead and punch them in the mouth for me. I wouldn't give anything for this opportunity, but it's been more work than I could have ever imagined.
That said, I'm having a great time, and
as co-owner of ThreadBear, I do get to attend all of those wonderful knitting functions everyone seems so interested in, and I do occasionally even get to knit a little during
some of them. The Aslan socks have come along slowly while I've been diverted, but they're still awfully pretty, so I can't be disappointed. Kudos to
Wendy Johnson for an awesome toe-up sock knitting technique that I've not only enjoyed knitting but that I've also thoroughly enjoyed teaching. Our
Sock-It-To-Me monthly sock knitter group has worked through the technique over the last couple of months, and everyone seems to be doing quite well. It has definitely given the group more confidence in trying other toe-up patterns.

This technique also inspired me to whip up a quick Christmas stocking in worsted weight yarn (I used Cascade 220, shock of shocks) with a few embellishments. I've recently been asked to act as coordinator for our local knitting guild, and I thought it would make an excellent free pattern in next month's newsletter. I guess that means I'll have to finish them, though. Hmm... | |  |  |
Sadly, I've even missed blogging through our recent Philosopher's Sweater Group meeting. Icky weather and dragging winter seems to have curtailed attendance a little, but everyone keeps plugging along. I'm very proud of our local knitters. We've got several people who considered themselves inexperienced knitters making Philosopher's Wool Sweaters, now, and everyone really is doing beautifully. Me? Well, I'm making progress, but it's hard to see when you're knitting a large sweater in the round. I figure I've probably gotten another pattern or three done since we last updated this bugger.
Oh, and as always, there's a new project on the needles. I just started a baby-sized Rambling Rows Afgan. It's currently off the needles so I could use the needle to show someone Wendy's short-row toe method, but it won't be off for long. Expect this sucker to make another appearance soon.
Last and least, I finally got the buttons sewn onto the Asymmetrical Vest. 100% Finished! Yes, I'm easily pleased. I'll show you a picture next time.
 |  | And for those of you who've forgotten what it looks like, this is a blue sky. We have a beautiful one in Southern Indiana this afternoon. It's a little nippy, but it's gorgeous, and given how cool it has been, it's warm enough for me to open the door out to the deck and let the Corndog wander in and out as she pleases.
<sigh> It's a grand day, people. Enjoy it.
Be well, and happy knitting! | |
posted by Matt at