Knitting, Design, Spring Cleaning, and Life
No, I'm not reverting to my hermitting ways. It really has
been that busy. If you don't believe me, check out all the goings on at
blog. And that's just a fraction of it. In the last few weeks, I've
concussed myself, designed a new sweater, updated tons of new classes
to the shop schedule, bought a whole bunch of new stock (including some
YUMMERLY possum blend from New Zealand that I'll be designing with
shortly... just 'cuz), put together a monster spring cleaning sale with Rob
and Sabrina, blocked an awesome shawl that Rob knit, and generally just
got a lot of stuff out of the way that has been back-burnered for a
As for the concussion, I'm just a dork. It had been a long
day at the shop, and since my car was in the shop for not being winterized
properly (yeah, yeah... I'm an idiot. I know.), I was loading all of my stuff,
Rob's stuff, and the pupperkins into Rob's Explorer... in the snow... in the
cold. Yes, I was doing it alone, but that's SO not the issue. Rob does
paperwork, and I don't have to, so I'm glad to load the car. Anyway, I was
truckin'. I was all wrapped up, and I'd already made a couple of trips out
the car and had the rear glass raised so that I could just drop stuff into the
back and run back in for another load. Well, the car was actually facing the
store, so I had to go around the car to get to the back. In case you've never
noticed, when there is something flat at eye-level, it all but disappears in the
dark. At least, I'm telling myself that, because I came around the back end
of the Explorer at a pretty fair clip and walked dead into the corner of the glass
rear window that was less than an inch above eye-level... dead center... right
in the forehead... between my eyes. For a moment, I thought I'd lost my
eyes. I sure as shootin' couldn't see anything. There was just this monstrous
buzz... and the most nauseating aurora borealis I've ever seen. Then there
was the streetlamp over the parking lot... fuzzy, but there... and I could hear
that there was traffic, but I couldnt' have told you what planet it was on.
Slowly, I noticed snow falling across my field of vision. Oh, yeah, snow.
That's what that is. Am I standing? Holy shit! I'm standing?!? I hadn't
fallen, but whoo! It's a thousand wonders. What's in my arms... oh, yeah,
I was carrying my laptop bag. Oh, crud. I could have dropped my laptop on
I told this story to my mother, and the first thing out of her
mouth was, "good lord, I bet you had a few choice words." Um... no. No
words. I couldn't have thought of words if I'd had to. I got the last of the
stuff into the car without saying anything to Rob and got into the driver's
seat of the Explorer (standard procedure-- we're old married folk). My head
was ringing, but everything was clear. I just hurt. Everywhere. If you've ever
met Rob, you know that telling him you've done something radically stupid
is worth days of teasing, so I'd decided to keep it to myself by the time he'd
finished paperwork and made it out the the car. It was already warm, and we
headed out of the parking lot. Then it hit me (not, not again... I mean
figuratively) that I might actually have really injured myself. Dammit! I had
to tell him. Well, to make a long story short (too late), he's been doll. We
are all pretty sure at this point that I did have a mild concussion, but I'm a
boy, and we do dumb shit like ignore concussions and stuff. I had a few
days when I really couldn't do much of anything and several when I could
barely string a coherent thought together long enough to finish a sentence,
but otherwise, I've just had some pretty nasty headaches. I'm planning on
having a nice, long massage later this evening or tomorrow, so I'll be right
as rain come the end of the week.
I did have time, though, during my convalescence to design and
knit most of the front of a very interesting men's v-neck saddle-shoulder
pullover. The front is done in panels, and despite what I think I'll be tearing
out later this afternoon to reknit, I'm happy with the design and think it's
pretty sure to make the book.
I've also recently acquired some awesome hand-painted
possum-wool blend from New Zealand that I'm very excited about knitting
into something yummy for myself. I don't have the camera at home, or I'd
show you. It's definitely my colors. Deep, jewely secondary shades. It's
pretty regardless, but it's also very complimentary against my Scottish
Viking coloring (or lack thereof).
Oh, classes. Tons of new classes are on the
schedule at
ThreadBear. I'm particularly excited about an Argyle Sock class that I'm
teaching in about a week and a garment design class that I've got planned
for the summer.
Our Spring Cleaning Sale was a huge success. We cleared
out of lot of older stock, and there's a good bit of room now for all of the
spring/summer stock that has already started arriving. Of course, if you
don't see it here with my shots of the displays, Rob will have pics up of the
new arrivals at
Black Dog. Oh, and check out his post of the shawl I blocked
for him. It's gorgeous.
Finally, I'd like to ask your help in a couple of marketing
tasks for ThreadBear. I'd be very grateful for anyone who is willing to
offer reviews of the shop at
Insider Pages and
I've been trying to get our listings updated wherever I can find them,
but it's one on a long list of tasks. If you see an old listing for ThreadBear
anywhere online that you think could stand a bit of fleshing out, please
contact me at
Thanks, guys. Talk to you soon!
posted by Matt at