Crowing Ram

Wednesday, June 02, 2004
How it's going
Hey, y'all. How ever'body be?
Life's finding its groove again at 703 Hutchins. My nose isn't quite the Niagra it's been, and Rob seems to be feeling damn-near chipper. I've gotten a few more preset shawl kits together at the business site, and things seem to be moving along nicely with the move.
Don't get me wrong. We're not moving tomorrow. Wouldn't that be nice? Instead, we've heard from the folks we need to hear from, deals appear to be in motion, and there don't appear to be any more significant snags in the offing. <knock wood>
That said, how would you like to see the new digs? Here's the building.
And here's why we're not in it, yet.
Or more specifically, here's why we're not in it, yet.
Rob spoke with the owner this morning, and though we're not sure exactly why, demolition hasn't begun yet. But it is, yet again, scheduled to begin next week. Apparently, it's going to be taken down brick-by-brick by cheap labor. Great. So my question, as always, is so what does that mean for me? Maybe it will happen on time, and maybe, it won't. Maybe we'll eventually have a shop somewhere, but I'm beginning to wonder. Seriously, I know it's all going to happen eventually, but my Aries-Cock nature is long past overdue for a meltdown. I want it NOW!!
Ok. We found a gorgeous house, too. It's about a block and a half from the new shop, and it's amazing. Three bedrooms. Two and a half baths. Fireplace. Garage. And it looks like this.
Ain't that a hoot?!?
Here are a couple of photos of the interior.

Living Room to Dining Room [facing SE]

Living Room to Foyer [E]

Dining Room to Living Room [NW]

Dining Room to Foyer [N]

In the Foyer [NW]

In the Kitchen [SE]

In the Kitchen [SW]

In the Kitchen [NW]
Sorry. No photos of the upstairs, yet. It's a little bland, frankly. All the walls are white, and there's hardwood floors in the hall and master bedroom and carpet in the two smaller front bedrooms. There's a large bath with shower next to the master bedroom with a double vanity and tiled floors and a smaller tiled bath at the far end of the hall with a claw-foot tub, antique-style high-tank commode, and a pedestal sink. In general, it's nice, clean, well-insulated, and all-together charming. Better yet, it's the same price as the freakin' money pit we're moving out of. Can I get an Amen?!?
Thank you, sister.
So there you have it. That's what we're looking at. And that's why I'm anxious. It's kind of like knowing you're getting an Okama GameSphere for Christmas and not being able to open the box.
Yes, Moma. As a matter of fact I am doing my best Yosemite Sam impression right about now.
She (my mom) is doing well, by the way. She's still on chemo, but I'm quite proud to say that she had a little come-to-Jesus meeting with her doctors and told them that she a) was bored out of her mind, b) was going back to work, and c) needed whatever kind of anti-nausea medication they had to give her to get her there. She's there, has been there for probably a month, now, and is going gangbusters. Of course, she's still sick. She's tired, too. But she's going, and from every conversation we've had on the subject, she's got a great attitude about the whole experience. That's my Moma. *sigh* Wonder where she gets it? ;-)
Have fun, folks!
See you in the funnies.
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