Crowing Ram

Friday, July 01, 2005
Getting there
I don't have a huge amount of time, but I did want to update everyone on the progress on ThreadyBear.
The local class started Monday, and of course, I'm well ahead of the class, but I've also put them on a time table to catch up with me very quickly. It's so much fun to be teaching this class again, and I'm very excited to have the first shipment of Spindrift in stock.

Jamieson's Spindrift
Yes, that means kits will be forthcoming. Yes, that means I have to finish writing up the tutorial preceding the actual knitting instructions (this is, after all, a beginning Fair Isle project). And yes, there are still about four million other things that I also have to keep up with in the meantime, but man, I love this stuff.
As for the class, though, I've got five, and one sent me a photo today of her progress to date. She's already hit the first mile marker: the underarm steek cast-on.

Laurie's ThreadyBear just after the underarm steek cast-on.
As for my own, I've cut my neck steek and finished the neck ribbing, cut open the first of the arm steeks, and started down the first arm.

Matt's ThreadyBear a quarter of the way down one arm.

Matt's ThreadyBear neck and arm detail.
Class won't meet again until the Monday after the Fourth (that would make it the eleventh, yes), So I'm hoping everyone will be able to make it at least as far as Laurie has. Good job, kiddo! You're officially teacher's pet. ;-)
Oh, and before I forget... the absolutely fabulous Colinette Absolutely Fabulous Throw Kits are on special for the Fourth of July Weekend for 10% off suggested retail. They're one of the items we aren't able to discount on a day-to-day basis, so this is a special treat for anyone interested in one of these monsters. They're gorgeous knit up, and I'm working on one that I haven't pictured yet in mitered square diamonds. I'll post as pic if I'm able to before the weekend.

Colinette Absolutely Fabulous Throw Kits.
Much love, folks.
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