Crowing Ram

Thursday, July 12, 2007
A Knitting Life Examined
I've received numerous e-mails and in-person comments regarding my lack of upkeep on this blog. It's all true, of course. To say I've been remiss in keeping Crowing Ram's readers informed is akin to saying that Antarctica is chilly. Certainly, it's not for lack of interest. I miss being here, and I genuinely enjoy interacting with you all.
I've spent much of the life of ThreadBear trading in one secret or another, though. We've always had something up our sleeve, and I'm the world's worst at keeping secrets. So, I've just tried to keep my mouth shut entirely. It's worked, at times, but I've suffered for it, and so has Crowing Ram.
I'm going to attempt a different tack. My friend Theresa of Keyboard Biologist told me years ago on a visit to the old store in Columbus, Indiana that keeping my blog updated meant sitting down daily—or at least nearly so—and just writing
By the way, T, I'm knitting with the Habu Textiles Silk Stainless Steel, too. By itself, no less. Funky stuff! WOW!
what's in my head... whatever is going on. I've often thought that what's going on in my life behind the scenes at a busy yarn shop just wouldn't be that interesting. In retrospect, I suppose that's kind of short-sighted. I've been told frequently over the years that what is painfully mundane for me is of genuine interest to many of you. Finally, I stand corrected.
Here's what's up. My mom's sick in Georgia, and I'm in Michigan. It sucks. I have a thriving business to run, I need to be here, and she understands and supports that—but not being there when she's hurting... not being there for my sister while she's doing so much... that sucks.
I've also got a book idea that's absolutely awesome, and it's gotten very little of my time over the last year. Yeah, the concept for my book was put together over a year ago. Guess how many patterns are completed and in the hands of test-knitters. If you guessed zero, you win the prize.
I have a challenging relationship with a partner that I love very much, and repeatedly, we find ourselves angry and disappointed with each other... after nine years of saying things are going to be worked on... things are going to get better.
Crowing Ram started as a means for me to connect with a set of friends from whom I was feeling deeply disconnected during those years that Rob and I spent in Bloomington, Indiana. You were my support and my confessor. Welcome back.
Today, I'd like to give you a little something to chew on. Over the last couple of weeks, there's been a volcano brewing just beneath the surface of "me." Designs have been flashing through my mind, ideas for the business have flown, and ways of participating in life in ways I'd almost forgotten are becoming clear.
Keep an eye on the ThreadBear main site over the next week or so. There will definitely be some changes going on there. Keep an eye here for glimpses of patterns and swatches for patterns that are flying off the needles. And just keep an eye out on the horizon. Something big is brewing, and I, for one, am feeling the deep vibration of it.

Harley Davidson USA website
Or perhaps that's just the sound of an engine... hm...
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