I won't lie about it. I'm a geek from the word "GO." I love Sci-Fi,
animation, crossword puzzles, reading, Beltane (and really, what self-respecting
hedonist can't get into Beltane?), Star Trek (Enterprise, but not DS9—yeah,
I'm a geek, but there are limits), finishing, swatching, and of course, Harry
Potter. "What?!?" you ask. "Harry Potter isn't just for geeks!"
No, of course not. Harry Potter is for all of the really cool people.
And if you've ever been called a geek, then you probably realize
that geeks generally are some of the world's coolest
people. We not be the most popular. We may not even be the smoothest.
But we really are cool. Think Farmer Ted, people. Cool is just cool. (Screw it,
everybody knows I'm really thinking Jake Ryan, but you see what
I mean, no?)
But have you taken the quiz? I have.
Yeah, we're geeked—excuse the pun—over Harry. We've got
one of our model knitters crankin' out the house colors hat, mittens, and scarves from the
Charmed Knits book by Alison Hansel. You haven't heard? Get with
the program, people! There's a m**f**
Knit-Along! (With all apologies to
Daniel Vosovic.)

The book

Baskets of yarn sporting house colors in various yarns

EEK!! Slytherin!

Other projects from the book
Images photographed from Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel
posted by Matt at