I'll have to motor through today, but I'm frantic to get a post up.
We've got company in from Atlanta/Baltimore in our old friend Crystal B (Sister Paul, to
those who know her well), and it's been a busy week to boot.
There's tons going on at the shop as we continue to bring in summer
fibers and work on bringing in fall stock. We've pushed out our next
Yarn Tasting since several of the yarns that we wanted in either weren't in the States
yet or needed models knit and weren't yet in the store. Every yarn has to have at
least one model for the event to make sense, and if the yarn's still on a boat, then
nothing's on the needles yet. EEK! So that's pushed back.
Yarn's still pouring in, though, and we're very excited to be working with
Alchemy again. We'd tried a bit out when we were still in Indiana, but A) we didn't
have models, and B) we never reordered, so that went the way of the dodo. We had
a long, wonderful conversation (if an hour or so of giggling and being generally evil
with Austin and Gina constitutes a conversation), picked out tons of patterns, got offers
from them to supply us with some fantastic models, and we're back in the game.
They've got beautiful product, and I'm really happy with what's come in so far.
So much so, in fact, that you're soaking in it. Yup. The swatch from
my last post is Alchemy-based. What is it? Oh, silly reader. You know better than that.
I'll get there eventually. But not today.
Today, I want to talk about inspiration. As corny as it sounds, my family
has been much of my inspiration lately.

Ailing Connor resting her weary head on Tate's back
Well, yeah, they're my inspiration, too, but I'm not talking about them.
I'm talking about
When we're together and talking and generally relaxed, I see things that just make me
want to design something. Sometimes it's an architectural thing.

Stained glass dome inside Houlihan's Restaurant. Lansing, Michigan.
Every time we eat at Houlihan's not far from the shop, my eye is drawn
to this dome. How it's going to show up in a knitted piece, I have no idea, but it's in my
head, and it won't go away.

Decorator pillow from a recent visit to Pier 1.
Sometimes it's a combination of colors or shapes that catches my eye.
This decorator pillow didn't leave Pier 1 with me, but it's with me constantly. I can't get the
multiple tones of each color our of my head, and the sections of colors over multiple
blocks is making my teeth itch. I want to translate this into fabric... badly. My own fabric, I mean. Knitted fabric!
How will it happen? Hell if I know. When will it happen? Ha! That's funnier
than the first question. The point is that it's in the cooker. It's rolling around, banging
into the sides of the pot with steam roiling around it. Eventually, it's going to hit something
and stick. Hopefully, it won't be cauliflower. I'm not a big fan of bland design, and cauliflower
doesn't particularly excite me.

What does excite me, though, is happening. Change. I don't know how, but my
life appears to be changing. I'd like to say I'm at the helm of this boat, but I think I
might not be. But I can feel the engines. And they're rumbling pretty hard.
on a final note, this is me. First of all, the rest of the picture was horribly overexposed as
many of my images lately have been. Why? I'm using my phone to take pictures. They
suck, in my less than humble opinion, but that's what I've got at the moment. We keep the
good camera at the shop, but I'm looking strongly at having a nice, new camera soon.
Why? Well, because I'm a raccoon, and I like new and sparkly things. But more realistically,
I see wonderful things all over the place very, very frequently, and I sincerely want to share
them with you. And if my camera sucks, you might not see the beauty that I do. And
we simply can't have that.
P. S. What I'm working on: updates to the website. Here's yet another teaser:

Screenshot of new ThreadBear main page under construction.
posted by Matt at