Crowing Ram

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Of course, it would crop up as soon as I started making a special effort to post again. I'm on my second round of antibiotics to try to quell a nasty sinus infection. I'm at work, but I'm definitely not at 100%. Don't worry about the antibiotics; I'm eating yogurt to maintain my digestive bacteria. Otherwise, I'll be back in touch as my health and time allows.
Much love,

Thursday, February 17, 2005
Photoshop and Basic Knit Hats
For those of you who don't know, I spend a large percentage of my time knee deep in Photoshop. I got the new Colinette Firecracker online yesterday, so I've been working today to get the new Rio de la Plata yarns scanned and online. They've got tons of colors, and unfortunately, they don't offer the option of pulling images (with permission, of course) from their site since they don't have one, yet.

My desktop tonight as I prepare to leave the office
I taught a Basic Knit Hat class this evening using Nancy Lindberg's Hats that Fit and More Hats that Fit patterns, though, and most of the participants left the shop with finished hats, so I do feel like I got a little closure on the day.
Thanks to everyone who's welcomed me back. It's good to see you all again.
Much love,

Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Once again into the breach
There's no one any more aware of how sketchy my posting history has been since we opened ThreadBear's first retail location than am I. Regardless, things are starting to settle down a bit... well, we're starting to get caught up a bit at the shop, and I'm going to make an attempt at spending a little time with the folks that encouraged us to get this business started in the first place. Also, I think it's about time we actually shared a few photos of the monster herself...

No! Not that monster!
Sorry, girl.

This monster. This photo was taken as we were laying the laminate flooring, and that's our good friend and Philosopher's Wool sales rep Marcia Bailey back there in the knee pads. No comments, Joe.

This is the same space two days later.
And this is how she looks today...
Yeah. It's taken a little effort.
Yeah. It's a little overwhelming.
And yes. Hallelujah, YES! It's together. It does sort of make me think magnum opus. Hopefully, I won't keel over like Charlotte afterward, but we've had our moments.
On a more realistic scale, here are a few more manageable shots.

This is the primary seating area, and of course, that's our girl Connor on the ottoman.

One of our staff brought in these gorgeous pussy willows from her yard in Battle Creek. That's Colinette behind the table and Dancing Cat Bags on the table.

This is a shot from our classroom area through the Hearty Wool Straits (between Jamieson's and Philosopher's) past SockLand, Great Adirondack and Mountain Colors, under Ingeborg and Stars to PlasticLand.

And in the back of the shop, we have another seating area with a fireplace, coffee/tea bar, and spinning fiber and equipment.
Of course, I haven't shown you half of what's going on. Rob jokes that the walls of yarn shift like staircases at Hogwart's every time we get new merchandise in, but for the most part, things are unpacked and we're in the process of gearing up for a website revamp. I'm hoping to get the new Colinette Firecracker up tonight, and Rio de la Plata wool up later this week. I won't be doing major updates on the front page until there's more content to back it up, but we're here, we're alive, and we're trying to get our ducks in a row to rejoin the living outside of Lansing.
And how has all of this left Rob and Tate?

Let's just say they've put in more than their fair share of effort, too.
Good night, boys. Shh...
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